Do you know how there numbers in between 0 and 1?  Well in fact, there are many numbers in between 0 and 1.  These numbers are called decimals.  There is an infinate amount of decimals in between aero and one.  I mean seriously, look at all the different decimals you've gotten for answers in math class.  
     For example, there is 1 and then there is 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and so on.  Plus, there is even more numbers in between 1.1 and 1.2.  Think about it, you can get 1.2 as an answer, but then you could also get 1.234.  Do you see what I mean?  Exactly!  Anyways, there are SO many numbers in between 0 and 1 whether you like it or not.  Also, these numbers are very important because look at it this way: would you rather have $1 or $1.50?  Hopefully you now see what I mean about the many numbers in between zero and one.

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