     My best memory of seventh grade would probably have to be basketball season and meeting all my friends that I have now.  Basketball season was a blast, and I miss the team.  However, I am super excited for next year's team!  We are going to do amazing!  I also have made so many memories with my friends this year.  In fact, one of my best friends, I actually met through basketball!  I can't wait until my 8th grade year!  There are so many memories I have made, and I cannot wait to make even more! 
     On the other hand, I would have to say my worst part of 7th grade was getting farther apart from some of my old friends.  However, later in the year, I did end up getting closer to them-- closer than I ever was actually.  All in all, I have had an amazing 7th grade year here at Computech and can't wait until next year!

     Today I am going to talk about whether the Columbian exchange was positive or negative.  Which do you think it was?  I think that there were many positive AND negative things about the Columbian exchange.  What were they?  Well, the Columbian exchange was an exchange that happened during the time of the explorers.  It was basically trade between the old world and the new world.
     In my opinion, there were both positive and negative things about this exchange, not just one.  One positive thing was that they got to try stuff that they did not have access to grow/make in their parts of the world.  However, this exchange also brought over diseases to both worlds.  This means that not only was one part of the world suffering from it, but now other parts were too because they had caught it during the exchange.  All in all, both good and bad came from the Columbian exchange.

     On our trip to the zoo, we had to do various stations with several different animals.  We each took turns with the stations, but I almost every time, was stuck with the math parts of the stations since I am good at math.  
     My favorite station was probably the reptile scavenger hunt.  Why?  Well, most of the stations we just sat there and had to match different objects to different animals.  However, in the reptile house, we got to use various info about several animals and had to guess which animal was which.  
     We didn't just read the info on the paper though, instead, we used what we all already knew about several types of reptiles.  Also, we didn't have to stand there looking at the animal and reading their info.  We could, instead, move around the reptile house and find the animals we needed to for the scavenger hunt.  Of all the stations at the zoo, this was by far my favorite.

     How was the collapse of the Inca empire similar to the fall of the Aztec empire?  Well, the Aztec fell because they were put under attack by the Spaniards (Hernan Cortes and his men).  It took them years to defeat the Aztecs, but they eventually did with the help of the Aztecs rivals, the Texcocans.  
     The Texcocans had became the Spanish's allies after the Spanish attacked them.  They offered an ally system against the Aztecs, if only they would stop their attack.  Many people died, but not as many as there would have been without their ally system.  Cortes had tried to conquer the Aztec empire, but did not accomplish his goal--to take over the empire.  

     I have made so many amazing memories this year!  I don't know which is my favorite, meeting all my really close friends or basketball season.  They are both my favorite.  Well, I guess I will write about both of them.  So, here we go.
     One of my most amazing memories this year is basketball season.  We had such an amazing team, and I cannot wait til next years team!  I can't wait to play for Sykes again!  Coach Sykes is such an awesome coach.  She is truly amazing.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't play for her again.  I also met a lot of my friends during basketball season.   They are all amazing!
     Another one of my favorite memories is meeting all my friends.  They are so amazing; I don't know what I would do without some of them!  My closest friends and I have gone through thick and thin, and we still managed to work things out even when people were trying to tear us apart.  I love my friends so much!  They are unbelievably awesome!  I would even die for some of them.  All in all, these are my two most amazing memories of my 2012-2013 year here at

     There are many reasons thought to be for the decline of the Mayan Civilization.  Some reasons such as: warfare, over-population, over-demanding rulers, and climate change.  Now, I strongly believe that all of the reasons contributed to the  decline because not just one specific reason can cause something to fall.  There is most likely other reasons too.  
     One example of more than 1 reason for decline is the Roman Empire's decline. The Romans had internal and external issues which eventually led to the decline of the empire.  This is the reason why I think that every single one of those reasons is true.  All in all, I think  there was more than one reason as to why the Mayans declined.

     We are still heading south--these animals travel forever!--on the main road.  There are much more plants that the last place we stayed at.  Plus, the climate is warmer so we don't need as much clothing supplies this time of year.  I love this place at that we have just stopped at.  There are so many more animals and plants for us to live off of right now.
     Some of the group wants to stay here, but others want to keep moving.  I don't know what I want.  It is never my choice for whether we stay or keep moving, but I want to stay.  I love the climate here and don't want to leave just yet.  Besides, there are plenty of crops for us.
     Of all the books I have read this year, my favorite is Haveli without a doubt.  Why?  Well, we read Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind as a class, and I loved it.  I decided to read the second book; it is such an amazing journey that Shabanu has to take throughout her life in order to survive.
     If you have read the first book, then I suggest you read the second one.  It will blow your mind to see how far Shabanu has come in order to survive with her husband's family.  You will certainly love it.

     The Scientific Revolution is a big part of World History.  There are many reasons that people believe.  Some people really don't even understand the Scientific Revolution and how it brought us together.  That's what I am going to explain today.
     Before the Scientific Revolution, all people cared about was religion.  They thought that God could save everyone he wanted to and did everything for a reason.  That is still the case today, but not the whole world relies on Him to explain everything.  This is all because of the Scientific Revolution.
     I think that the revolution helped bring everybody together, despite their differences in beliefs and personalities.  People started to actually PROVE things instead of saying that God was the one who described it in the bible.  All in all, I think that the Scientific Revolution helped bring everybody together by putting behind their differences in beliefs.

     Have you heard about Martin Luther and the 95 Theses that he made?  Well, today I am going to make a list myself.  However, I am going to only do 5 because I do not have time for 95.  I am also going to do mine about school issues, not church issues.  Here is the 5 Theses by me.

1.  I believe we should have a longer lunch time.  Yes, I know our classes are short, but I wouldn't mind staying a little longer for school if we had a longer lunch.
2.  I think that students with 3.5-4.0 (honor roll) should be rewarded more often, and get a few more privileges.
3.  Teachers should give more time for certain projects, or assign them on a Friday, so you can start them over the weekend.  This is because many students have sports, music, etc.
4.  Free dress days:  I strongly think that students with a "C" or better in every class should get free dress on Fridays.  Say every week or two.  This would encourage students to keep their grades up because who wouldn't want free dress?!
5.  I'd like to have more dances!  Preferably with NEW music.