Why do inequalities need closed dots instead of an open one?  Well the answer is very simple actually.  The truth is, not all inequlaities need a closed dot.  It depends on what the equation states.  For instance, if the problem said: If the high temperature for the day was 87 degrees, and the low was 45 degrees, what might've the temperatures throughout the day included.  The answer is simple.  It would've included everthing from 45 to 87 degrees; now that is including 45 and 87 so the dots would be closed, not opened.  
     However if the problem said: The wind speed was in between 12 and 20 mph throughout the night.  What speed would this might've included.  Now on this problem, the dots marking 12 and 20 wouldn't be closed dots because it is not including these two numbers.  I hope you now see my perspective on inequalities.

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