     This year, my most difficult subject in math that I faced was Parabolas.  Parabolas are basically arcs on a graph.  They have a midpoint and have a lot of equations to help complete a parabola.  It must have a minimum of 5 points; that's including the vertex.  
     I think that the reason it was hard for me was because of all the different equations that you had to use.  You had one just for the vertex, one for the axis of symmetry, one for the first set of points, and one for the second set of points.  You also had a formula for the arc's width.  That formula would tell you if you had a slim or wide parabola.  There was also a formula for if the parabola would be a "smiley face" or a "sad face".  
     I overcame this struggle by asking questions in class and getting help.  I didn't quite understand the process of solving the parabolas so I asked for help.  I also just tried to find things that helped me remember the equations.  I knew all the equations, but I just didn't know what order to put them in.  Eventually, I figured it out though.

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