Over the weekend, we were required to play a math game in order to accomplish this blog post.  I had to play the game 3 different times.  At first, it was really confusing, but then I realized how you were supposed to figure it out.  All in all, it was confusing at first, but eventually really fun.
     While playing the game, I came across several difficulties.  I kept thinking that you were supposed to solve the problems left to right or up and down.  This was because I quickley read the directions and didn't think them through.  This just shows that reading directions is very important, and you should read them several times so you understand them clearly.
     After I eventually figured out what I was doing wrong, I had a blast with the game.  The first type that I did was integers.  After I had accomplished the integers with no mistakes, I went on to fractions.  Then, I did the money version of the game.  In conclusion, once I had figured out the game, it was simple and fun.
11/12/2013 12:55:10 am

Nyrst gladys

11/14/2013 02:18:29 am

khjhbghfdfghxjfvgjhxkzcjzvg p!!!!!!!!


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