We are still heading south--these animals travel forever!--on the main road.  There are much more plants that the last place we stayed at.  Plus, the climate is warmer so we don't need as much clothing supplies this time of year.  I love this place at that we have just stopped at.  There are so many more animals and plants for us to live off of right now.
     Some of the group wants to stay here, but others want to keep moving.  I don't know what I want.  It is never my choice for whether we stay or keep moving, but I want to stay.  I love the climate here and don't want to leave just yet.  Besides, there are plenty of crops for us.
     Of all the books I have read this year, my favorite is Haveli without a doubt.  Why?  Well, we read Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind as a class, and I loved it.  I decided to read the second book; it is such an amazing journey that Shabanu has to take throughout her life in order to survive.
     If you have read the first book, then I suggest you read the second one.  It will blow your mind to see how far Shabanu has come in order to survive with her husband's family.  You will certainly love it.

     The Scientific Revolution is a big part of World History.  There are many reasons that people believe.  Some people really don't even understand the Scientific Revolution and how it brought us together.  That's what I am going to explain today.
     Before the Scientific Revolution, all people cared about was religion.  They thought that God could save everyone he wanted to and did everything for a reason.  That is still the case today, but not the whole world relies on Him to explain everything.  This is all because of the Scientific Revolution.
     I think that the revolution helped bring everybody together, despite their differences in beliefs and personalities.  People started to actually PROVE things instead of saying that God was the one who described it in the bible.  All in all, I think that the Scientific Revolution helped bring everybody together by putting behind their differences in beliefs.

     Have you heard about Martin Luther and the 95 Theses that he made?  Well, today I am going to make a list myself.  However, I am going to only do 5 because I do not have time for 95.  I am also going to do mine about school issues, not church issues.  Here is the 5 Theses by me.

1.  I believe we should have a longer lunch time.  Yes, I know our classes are short, but I wouldn't mind staying a little longer for school if we had a longer lunch.
2.  I think that students with 3.5-4.0 (honor roll) should be rewarded more often, and get a few more privileges.
3.  Teachers should give more time for certain projects, or assign them on a Friday, so you can start them over the weekend.  This is because many students have sports, music, etc.
4.  Free dress days:  I strongly think that students with a "C" or better in every class should get free dress on Fridays.  Say every week or two.  This would encourage students to keep their grades up because who wouldn't want free dress?!
5.  I'd like to have more dances!  Preferably with NEW music.