During the second quarter we finished 3 or 4 units.  Now, not all of them were a piece of cake.  I had trouble with a few parts that were included in each unit.  However, the most difficult unit for me was the unit about cells.  I know, that sounds like a really easy unit and some people thought it was too easy, but for me I had trouble.
     The reason I had trouble was because we had to memorize each part of the cell and what they did, and that was difficult for me.  I had the parts memorized, but I just kept getting their functions confused.  For example, I kept mixing up functions like "transporting energy to the nucleus" and "transporting protein to the nucleus". 
     What did I do to help me with this unit? Well, we did the edible cell project, and that helped me very much.  When it comes to science, I am a very visual learner, so that helped me understand the functions a lot more.  This helped me tremendously because I was able to remember what each candy that symbolized a part of the cell what its's function was.  Then in the test, I just remembered what we used for that part and it clicked for me.

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