What was you favorite activity during quarter one?  Well, mine was the "It's Alive!" project.  I think this was my favorite because we got to measure and weigh body parts.  I know it sounds gross, and it was at first; but it was actually really fun.  Even though I didn't get the group with my friends, I still got a pretty good group.  I was not willing to touch the body part at first, but as time went on, I just decided to get over it.
     My group got the hand.  We were all grossed out at first, but eventually was fine.  We got to see our body parts grow, and now we get to see them shrink.  As we recorded their length and weight every day, our hand got bigger and bigger.  The hand also shrunk a little bit, then still grew.  All in all, the "It's Alive" project was definately my favorite projec

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