     So today I am supposed to write about who I would rather meet; Michaelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci.  This is a really hard choice because they are both really great artists from the time period "The Renaissance" in Europe.  Many art pieces  that were made during the Renaissance are fabulous.  Many were actually created by these two amazing artists.
     Honestly, I would rather meet Leonardo da Vinci because he created the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, which are two very famous paintings.  I personally love The Last Supper painting because it implies what The Last Supper is all about and actually looks like a real event in a chapel or church.  Also, I would have many questions for da Vinci.  All in all, I would rather meet Leonardo da Vinci instead of Michaelangelo.

     In Core, we just finished learning about the Middle Ages.  My favorite subject in this section was the section on Christianity.  Learning about Christianity and how it came to be was very interesting to me and I enjoyed learning this concept.  There are many reasons that I enjoyed this concept.
     One reason why I liked this topic so much was because we got to learn about the monks and monasteries, the fight for power, and last but certainly not least, how the black death changed everything for Christians.  Many people enjoyed this concept as much as I did, and some like the other topics better.  Another reason why I had a good time learning this topic was because just by the was the book described everything was very interesting to me and it intrigued many readers.  All in all, my favorite topic in the Middle Ages was the study of Christianity.

The black death is another name for Plague.  Plague is a very deathful disease.  It is very strong and killed many people in medieval times.  One place that was swept over with plague was Europe.  Many Europeans were killed because of this deathly disease.  Because many people were killed, there were some great changes that were brought over Europe. 
     In many cases, farmers, servants, etc. became even more useful during The Black Death period.  This lead to many of them raising as much money as possible and when they had enough, they left to live if flourishing cities instead.  Also, as you know, many people were being tortured for their religion.  When the Black Death came to Europe, many frightened people blamed it all on the Jews.  This was because at the time, in several countries, Jews were being forced to either convert to Christianity or leave the country.  All of these things 

Dear Diary,
     My father is a great noble, as you know, but now I might have to go to war.  I am really nervous because my uncle just came up and told me that the pope has called on all the warriors to defend the Holy Land.  My uncle is now 52 years old, so he cannot go to war. Uncle Noah had a very serious conversation with me about my job to do in order to return home safely.  He said that it is now my duty to answer the call to this war.  I leave in 4 weeks, but my training starts tomorrow!
     I am so nervous because not many girls go to war.  I will be one of the 5 girls there out of millions of men.  I need to be smart and keep focused on the war and coming back home safely.  I am sooo scared that they are going to treat me differently because I am a girl.  Also, I am worried because the other 4 ladies have been to war before and are in their 20s.  I am barely 13!  I can't bear the thought of getting killed and never coming back home or seeing my family again.  Please help pray to Lord Jesus that I will succeed and be as honorable as my family wants me to be.  I want to impress them and be looked up to whether I survive or die in this frightening event.
Dear Diary,
     It was a normal day at the castle; my mom and dad were ruling the country, going to meetings, and making new laws.  They all were very excited because they almost have a deal with this guy across the continent for an alliance.  I was happy for my dad and my mother, but that was all before they told me what I had to do in order for this alliance to be complete.  I had to marry that guy's son!  I heard he was good-looking, and he was supposedly very wealthy, but I just didn't know about this.  It meant moving in with some guy I didn't even know and marrying him!  I cannot believe they did this to me without talking about it first!  They never did this to my older sister or brothers, so why me?!  I am super angry!
     I found out just a few minutes ago, but I am super nervous to meet Prince Louis.  He is very popular in his country and supposedly ALL the ladies want to marry him, but I am the 'lucky one'.  My mother keeps trying to talk to me about all that has happened in the last hour, but I just can't wrap my finger around the thought of getting married!  I AM ONLY 13 YEARS OLD!  How could they do this to me.  I am going to meet Prince Louis on the 22nd day of February.  I hope he is at least a kind-hearted, handsome gentleman.  Time to go do chores.
     My life is falling apart way too quickly!  First, my beloved mother dies, and my house gets burnt down by the horrible Aycliffe.  I ran into the woods to pray to my almighty Jesus Christ.  When I came back.... I heard I was named as a wolf's head!  YES! A WOLF'S HEAD!!!  I can't believe this is was I receive after praying.  My life is a disaster!  Then, to make matters worse, my only hope, Father Quinel, was caught and murdered by the bailiff.
     Now, I have just met this ratchetly old man that made me swear to God that I would be his servant!
     So, I have had a long day at work today.  We are very stressed right now out in the farms.  I am super duper tired, but I can't figure out why I can smell smoke.  It spells like something is burning, but I don't see a fire anywhere.  I turn on the last corner until I get to my village and look down the hill.  I can't believe my eyes!  My village is burning!
     I unexpectedly break into a sprint and run as fast as I can down the hill.  I am shaking with fear!  I do not and cannot imagine who would do something like this to my village!  We leave other villages alone and never even bother anyone.  We just do our jobs.  I keep asking myself: what will I see when I get there?  I wonder what is happening to my family and friends.  Is it the Vikings?  Will they take me next?

     Have you ever heard over Charlemagne?  Well, if you haven't I'm sure you will soon.  Charlemagne was a GREAT person.  He helped many people and was a VERY important figure in the Early Middle Ages.  Now, I know you may be asking, "why was he so important?", and I have a perfect explanation for why he was so important.
     First of all, he helped spread Christianity, which is a very popular and important religion today.  Also, despite his height and squeaky voice, he was an amazing warrior.  He also worked very hard and achieved the honor of being the Christian king.  He conquered many lands while during his time on the throne.  All in all, Charlemagne was a great man and achieved many things while he was king.  He also helped Christianity tremendously and improved the religion in many ways.

     This year I made several new year's resolutions; however, I only have time to tell you one of them.  The one resolution that I am going to focus on the most is focusing on improving my water polo skills.  I have several ways to help me do this, so here they are.
     Since I want to improving my water polo skills, I am going to push myself give 110% at every practice.  I already have pretty high endurance, but I want to have even more endurance, so this will help.  Plus, the harder I work at practice, the longer I will have the energy to keep going in a game.
     Also, I have been practicing, and will be playing, with not only the 14s, but the 16s too.  This will help me work on my skills that way I will be better and know more tricks.  I also plan to work on these skills at home by doing dry-runs.  Dry-runs are where you practice something you learned, but you just do the motions.  If you do the motions over and over, you will improve your muscle memory, and your muscles will get stronger.  With that said, 2013, HERE I COME!

     Winter break is just around the corner, what are you looking forward to most of all?  Honestly, I am looking forward to the holidays, and getting to sleep in!  I cannot wait to sleep in for 3 weeks straight!!!  Anyways, those are the main things, so let me explain why.
     I can't wait for Christmas because every Christmas Eve, we go to my grandparents house to celebrate with my dad's side of the family, then we got to midnight mass!  It is awesome!  Plus, our pastor is really really cool, so it's fun to go.  Then on Christmas day, we go to my grandparents to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family.  However, we get to sleep in and open our gifts from each other that morning before we go.
     I also cannot wait for New Year's!!!  Every year, we have a few friends over, and we stay up all night watching the "Rocking New Year's Eve" show.  We also usually play a game of poker or two. Then we sleep in and make a big ol' nice breakfast.  So, we are pretty busy during the holidays.  Plus, I get to sleep in EVERY morning!  These are the things I am most excited for.