Did you know that Japan borrowed a lot of ideas from China and Korea?  Well, yes they did.  Now today I am going to talk about what I think the most important idea that they borrowed was.  Honestly, I think that the most important idea that they borrowed was cultural things and language.  Here is why.
     For one thing, Japan didn't have an official language, so many people--mostly the wealthy--learned how the speak Chinese.  This helped them communicate better; I think that this helped a lot.  Another thing is culture and religion.  They learned the beliefs of Confucianism, Buddhism, and several others from the Chinese and Koreans.  These all helped the society it many different ways.
I was pulling the weeds as I heard a sound like thunder coming towards my direction.  I looked towards the sound and realized there are thousands of horsemen armed on the horizon.  I suddenly become frozen with fear as if this is all just a dream.  I then identify the people coming right at me---it's the Mongols!  I am still in shock, but I am able to make it across the field into the storage room when they pass by.  The ground starts shaking terribly, and I feel my hands and legs shaking along with the floor.  I cannot believe what is happening.
     As the ground starts to rumble less and less, I can feel the Mongols traveling further away from me.  I fear for what the will do this time they have come.  The idea of them ruling our country terrorizes me and sends me into a world of thought--and fear.  They have been in control for a while now, but I hear that one specific rebellion group is plotting against them, so the Chinese can be in control of our world again.  The thought of a chinese emperor excites me.  I suddenly get a reality check when I feel the ground start to shake again.  I realize they are looking for someone and hide in the shadows of the room.  I am scared stiff, and seem to not be able to think.  What should I do now--I wonder.
     Have you heard of the Chinese Achievement?  Well, as you probably know, the Chinese invented many many things that we use here in the U.S. today.  There are way to many for me to list them all, so I will just tell you which two I personally think are the greatest out of all.  One of them is Paper Money; the other is the Great Wall of China.
     I think that Paper Money was one of the greatest because we still use it today.  Plus, without this invention, we would be using coins for everything.  So say you wanted to buy a house, you would have to bring all the coins that would pay for it.  That would be probably a few tons to carry.  However, with the invention of Paper Money, we can use bills to pay for things.  Also, as you know, we have more than one bill amount, so the higher the price, the higher the bill you can use.
     Another invention I think was the greatest is the Great Wall of China.  I am pretty sure you have heard about this wall that was HANDMADE.  I think this is a great achievement because it is miles long, and it protected the Chinese Villages.  It was a MAJOR accomplishment for the Chinese.  Also, they had many places along the wall that had soldiers there to protect the wall.  All in all, I think these are the two greatest achievements 
     Thanksgiving is coming up; what are you thankful for the most?  Well there are three major things that I am very thankful for.  One thing I am thankful for is God;  no matter where I am, I know he is always there with me.  Another thing I am thankful for is my family; and lastly, my friends.  These are the three main things I am thankful for.
     I am thankful for God because he is the reason I am here today.  Also, I can get through anything with his help.  I am also thankful for my family because they're also always there for me, and we have been through so much together.  And last, but certainly not least, my friends.  My friends are always there for me to cheer me up when I am having a bad day.  There are several that I trust with my life because they are just such great friends, and I can tell them anything.
     One other thing I am VERY greatful for is the people that serve for our country.  They have risked their lives day in and day out.  They even leave their families, including their children (if they have any).  Also, they are the one of the reasons that we are such a good country because they help us win wars that gain us power.  They are apart of why we are such a great country.  All in all, they helped us become the free country we are today.
     The griots are the storytellers from West Africa.  Griots tell stories that they were told, or that they witnessed.  They tell these stories to their children, grandchildren, etc.  There were many stories that they new of.  They told stories of legends, myths, history, etc.  I think that their job was actually pretty interesting.
     The griots were well respected in the West African society.  They were also important, for they new almost everything that was going on.  For example, when Mansa Musa took his pilgrimage, many griots were asked to go with him because they were trained to tell stories about major events such as this trip to the hajj.  All in all, they were very important in the society because they knew how to tell stories.




     To me, there are many things that I love about fall.  So many things happen in fall, it is ridiculous.  In fact fall is my second favorite season.  One thing is because the weather gets cooler, and I love cold weather.  I know it sounds weird, but I am a warm blooded person.  The perfect temperature to me is 55-60 degrees; and I don't get cold until it is 50 degrees or lower.
     Another reason I like fall is because it is the end of school season for water polo, but winter polo is coming up.  This means that we get to practice in the cold weather.  Even if it rains, we still practice.  This is another reason I love fall.  All in all, fall is a great season.
     The discovery of iron helped the West Africans a lot.  First of all, if it was heated, it would become softer.  This allowed them to form the iron into different tools. These tools were very important because they helped farmers tremendously. The tools that they were able to make also helped farmers grow more crops quicker.  It also developed many more farms, which meant a larger population.  Also, the population survived longer because they had more food.  All in all, iron helped them develop more farms.
     With iron being dicovered, Africans were also considered "richer".  This was because the iron was only found in West Africa, so more people wanted it.  These reasons were the cause of the West Africans becoming very valuable in trade.  Since they were the only region that had found iron, they were the only peolple that traded it, at first.  Also, they used it in trade, in order to get the supplies that they needed.  The effect was them growing larger because the iron helped get more supplies that they used to survive.
     I think the region that presented the most hardships was the desert.  This is because not  only would it be hot every day, but it would also mean you would have to move around at least three times per year.  I mean yeah, there are other regions, like the rain forest, but in the rain forest, there is plenty of plants and animals you could live off of.  The only really bad thing would be the humidity.
     The reasons that I think why the desert is the region with the most hardships is because first of all, there isn't very many animals.  Also, it would be difficult to move around several times per year.  All in all, I think that the desert brought the most hardships.
     In 'My Digital Life', I have learned many things throughout the month we have been using it.  I am on level 5 already, and it has been really fun and interesting to learn new things that I didn't know about computers or the internet.  My Digital Life has helped me understand the dangers of the internet; and the things you should and shoudn't do whether it's on the internet or buying a new laptop, phone, or even a tablet.  All in all, I have learned a numerous amount of things while doing My Digital Life.
     On September 11, 2001 the twin towers were distroyed by terrorists.  That was 11 years ago.  However, today that still affects millions of people that wittnessed the horrorifying scene.  Whether it was personally or through the television, that disastorous moment is imbeded in thousands of minds.  Kids around my age were just babies when that happend, but still know exactly what, how, and when it happend.  I can imagine that everybody in that building was horrified.  I mean think about it, you're stuck on one of the highest floors and you can't use the stairs, the elevator is broken down, and everyone is freaking out.  So you should think about how many people died, and why a lot of them jumped out of the buildings.