I was pulling the weeds as I heard a sound like thunder coming towards my direction.  I looked towards the sound and realized there are thousands of horsemen armed on the horizon.  I suddenly become frozen with fear as if this is all just a dream.  I then identify the people coming right at me---it's the Mongols!  I am still in shock, but I am able to make it across the field into the storage room when they pass by.  The ground starts shaking terribly, and I feel my hands and legs shaking along with the floor.  I cannot believe what is happening.
     As the ground starts to rumble less and less, I can feel the Mongols traveling further away from me.  I fear for what the will do this time they have come.  The idea of them ruling our country terrorizes me and sends me into a world of thought--and fear.  They have been in control for a while now, but I hear that one specific rebellion group is plotting against them, so the Chinese can be in control of our world again.  The thought of a chinese emperor excites me.  I suddenly get a reality check when I feel the ground start to shake again.  I realize they are looking for someone and hide in the shadows of the room.  I am scared stiff, and seem to not be able to think.  What should I do now--I wonder.

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