Dear Diary,
     My father is a great noble, as you know, but now I might have to go to war.  I am really nervous because my uncle just came up and told me that the pope has called on all the warriors to defend the Holy Land.  My uncle is now 52 years old, so he cannot go to war. Uncle Noah had a very serious conversation with me about my job to do in order to return home safely.  He said that it is now my duty to answer the call to this war.  I leave in 4 weeks, but my training starts tomorrow!
     I am so nervous because not many girls go to war.  I will be one of the 5 girls there out of millions of men.  I need to be smart and keep focused on the war and coming back home safely.  I am sooo scared that they are going to treat me differently because I am a girl.  Also, I am worried because the other 4 ladies have been to war before and are in their 20s.  I am barely 13!  I can't bear the thought of getting killed and never coming back home or seeing my family again.  Please help pray to Lord Jesus that I will succeed and be as honorable as my family wants me to be.  I want to impress them and be looked up to whether I survive or die in this frightening event.

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