     This year I made several new year's resolutions; however, I only have time to tell you one of them.  The one resolution that I am going to focus on the most is focusing on improving my water polo skills.  I have several ways to help me do this, so here they are.
     Since I want to improving my water polo skills, I am going to push myself give 110% at every practice.  I already have pretty high endurance, but I want to have even more endurance, so this will help.  Plus, the harder I work at practice, the longer I will have the energy to keep going in a game.
     Also, I have been practicing, and will be playing, with not only the 14s, but the 16s too.  This will help me work on my skills that way I will be better and know more tricks.  I also plan to work on these skills at home by doing dry-runs.  Dry-runs are where you practice something you learned, but you just do the motions.  If you do the motions over and over, you will improve your muscle memory, and your muscles will get stronger.  With that said, 2013, HERE I COME!

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